Friday, April 30, 2010

We Cordially Invite You...

Mike and I just returned from an extra exciting trip to a random and slightly ghetto post office :)  We just sent off all of our beautiful wedding invitations, and they are on their way to you!  It was kind of scary popping them into the mail box.  I am not sure if this scared feeling stems from my general distrust of the postal system (however unfounded) or if it was just an undiagnosed rush of excitement.  I'm putting my money on it being a combination of the two.

My friends, as discussed in a previous post, really helped me put all of the pieces together, and so shooting them off today was really rewarding, and extra exciting.  So, when you get them, mark that date and shoot that card back in the mail!  It's stamped and addressed already, all you have to do is check yes or no and seal it and send it on its way!  I can't wait to start opening the mail box to see those little envelopes...(actually I will have to wait until Mike gets home because he has the mail key....I lost mine.  Go figure.)

In other news, we received our FIRST wedding/shower gift yesterday on our porch, and we opened it!  It was a beautiful pitcher from my wonderful Japan-bound family, Dave and Meg.  Mike saw it and said, "That would be perfect for mimosas."  (In case you were wondering why I am marrying this man...)

My shower is coming up in three short weeks and I can  hardly wait.  Some of the people coming I have not seen in 5-10 years, and I am sooooo looking forward to visiting with them.  There is something really comforting about being back home and being in the company of your mom, and your friends' moms and all the moms who were around when you were growing up.  I can't WAIT!!  I still have to find a cute dress, so hopefully I can manage a shopping trip before then!StumbleUpon


  1. excuse me?? what about all of the anthro dresses???

  2. Got mine in my hot little hands right now! Yippee!


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